What is normalization? What are different type of normalization?
What is denormalization ?
What is a candidate key ?
What are different types of joins and whats the difference between them ?
What are indexes and What is the difference between clustered and nonclustered indexes?
How can you increase SQL performance ?
What is the use of OLAP ?
What's a measure in OLAP ?
What are dimensions in OLAP ?
What are levels in dimensions ?
What are fact tables and dimension tables in OLAP ? (Twist :- can you explain the star schema for OLAP ? )
What is DTS?
What is fillfactor ? (Twist :- When does plage split occurs ?)
What is RAID and how does it work ?
What's the difference between DELETE TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE commands?
What are the problems that can occur if you do not implement locking properly in SQL SERVER ?
What are different transaction levels in SQL SERVER ?(Twist :- what are different types of locks in SQL SERVER ?)
What are different locks in SQL SERVER ?
Can we suggest locking hints to SQL SERVER ?
What is LOCK escalation?
What are the different ways of moving data/databases between servers and databases in SQL Server?
What are advantages of SQL 2000 over SQl 7.0 ?
What is the difference between a HAVING CLAUSE and a WHERE CLAUSE?
What is difference between UNION and UNION ALL SQL syntax ?
How can you raise custom errors from stored procedure ?
What is ACID fundamental and what are transactions in SQL SERVER ?
What is DBCC?
What is purpose of Replication ?
What are different type of replication supported by SQL SERVER ?
What is BCP utility in SQL SERVER ?
What are different types of triggers in SQl SERVER 2000 ?
If we have multiple AFTER Triggers on table how can we define the sequence of the triggers ? What is SQl injection ?
Revisiting basic syntax of SQL?
What are “GRANT” and “REVOKE’ statements?
What is Cascade and Restrict in DROP table SQL?
What is a DDL, DML and DCL concept in RDBMS world?
What are different types of joins in SQL?
What is “CROSS JOIN”?
You want to select the first record in a given set of rows?
How do you sort in SQL?
How do you select unique rows using SQL?
Can you name some aggregate function is SQL Server?
What is the default “SORT” order for a SQL?
What is a self-join?
What's the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE ?
Select addresses which are between ‘1/1/2004’ and ‘1/4/2004’?
What are Wildcard operators in SQL Server?
What’s the difference between “UNION” and “UNION ALL” ?
What are cursors and what are the situations you will use them?
What are the steps to create a cursor?
What are the different Cursor Types?
What are “Global” and “Local” cursors?
What is “Group by” clause?
What is ROLLUP?
What is CUBE?
What is the difference between “HAVING” and “WHERE” clause?
What is “COMPUTE” clause in SQL?
What is “WITH TIES” clause in SQL?
What does “SET ROWCOUNT” syntax achieves?
What is a Sub-Query?
What is “Correlated Subqueries”?
What is “ALL” and “ANY” operator?
What is a “CASE” statement in SQL?
What does COLLATE Keyword in SQL signify?